Prayer: Resurrection Stretch, with the Rev. Dr. David Long-Higgins

Resurrection Stretch - A Prayer, by the Rev. Dr. David Long-Higgins
Blossoming God,
  Open the petals
  Of my often closed life
  With Your irresistible light
  Of goodness and grace
  Revealing resurrection
  Surprises at every turn.
Stretch every petal of me
  Too often closed to You
  And Your promises
  Of possibilities unknown
  Except by consent
  To Your motion of Love.
By this of You
  Reveal the beauty
  You plant by seed
  Into every living being
  Impossible to know
  In its buried beginning
  Yet made visible
  In a time envisioned
  By Your loving desire.
Yes, stretch me open
  Into awe and wonder
  At Your blossoming beauty
  In every living being
  And even in me.
Let this of Your Christ-love
  Pull wide the petals
  Of Your whole creation
  In response to Your light
  Of soaking, searching love
  Touching earth with eternity.
And may Your hidden beauty
  Rise again and again today
  In the midst of ordinary turns
  Made extraordinary
  In the noticing,
  The savoring,
  And the thanksgiving
  Called forth
  By these amazing moments
  You so readily reveal.
And let it cause
  Just enough
  Resurrection revelry
  To stop the madness
  And turn the world
  And me toward You.

Music: Waking Us by Quiet Lake
Prayer: Resurrection Stretch, with the Rev. Dr. David Long-Higgins
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