Prayer: Rising Up with the Rev. Dr. David Long-Higgins
Welcome to the first episode of Prayers & Ponderings, a Heartland Conference Podcast. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey or your journey in listening to podcasts, you're welcome here! The Heartland Conference is a part of the United Church of Christ and works with churches in Northern Kentucky, Ohio, and West Virginia. We are overjoyed to share with you our first prayer: Rising Up, written and spoken by Conference Minister, the Rev. Dr. David Long-Higgins.
Welcome to the first episode of Prayers & Ponderings, a Heartland Conference Podcast. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey or your journey in listening to podcasts, you're welcome here! The Heartland Conference is a part of the United Church of Christ and works with churches in Northern Kentucky, Ohio, and West Virginia. We are overjoyed to share with you our first prayer: Rising Up, written and spoken by Conference Minister, the Rev. Dr. David Long-Higgins. You can find the transcript to this prayer below.
Rising Up
Loving God,
Let all my work
Arise from You
Let all my noticing
Arise from You
Let all my hope
Arise from You
Let all my wonder
Arise from You
Let all my delight
Arise from You
Let all my gratefulness
Arise from You
Let all my words
Arise from You
Let all my passion
Arise from You
Let all my peace
Arise from You
Let all my joy
Arise from You
Let all my desire
Arise from You
Let all my love
Arise from You.
For no good thing,
No worthwhile dream
Can ever flourish
Apart from rising up
In, from, and through
You, O Love of Life.
-DMLH, August 2022©
More about the Rev. Dr. David Long-Higgins: The Rev. David Long-Higgins is the Conference Minister for the Heartland Conference. Dave’s passion is to see individuals and churches grow in their sense of the alive presence of God and all that this calls forth to be signs of good news in the world, so that all may flourish. Dave has served in a wide variety of capacities throughout the United Church of Christ. He is a graduate of Heidelberg University with a Bachelor of Arts in psychology and music (violin performance). His Master of Divinity was earned at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities in New Brighton, Minnesota. He is also a graduate of the Wellstreams Spiritual Direction Program of the Spirituality Network of Columbus (Ohio). Prior to beginning his role with the Conference, Dave was a parish pastor for over 30 years. Dave and his wife Beth, who is also an ordained UCC clergyperson have two adult children, Andrew and Hannah. When not on the ministry trail Dave enjoys movies, playing violin and guitar, bicycling, travel, writing poetry/prayers, and photography.
Rising Up
Loving God,
Let all my work
Arise from You
Let all my noticing
Arise from You
Let all my hope
Arise from You
Let all my wonder
Arise from You
Let all my delight
Arise from You
Let all my gratefulness
Arise from You
Let all my words
Arise from You
Let all my passion
Arise from You
Let all my peace
Arise from You
Let all my joy
Arise from You
Let all my desire
Arise from You
Let all my love
Arise from You.
For no good thing,
No worthwhile dream
Can ever flourish
Apart from rising up
In, from, and through
You, O Love of Life.
-DMLH, August 2022©
More about the Rev. Dr. David Long-Higgins: The Rev. David Long-Higgins is the Conference Minister for the Heartland Conference. Dave’s passion is to see individuals and churches grow in their sense of the alive presence of God and all that this calls forth to be signs of good news in the world, so that all may flourish. Dave has served in a wide variety of capacities throughout the United Church of Christ. He is a graduate of Heidelberg University with a Bachelor of Arts in psychology and music (violin performance). His Master of Divinity was earned at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities in New Brighton, Minnesota. He is also a graduate of the Wellstreams Spiritual Direction Program of the Spirituality Network of Columbus (Ohio). Prior to beginning his role with the Conference, Dave was a parish pastor for over 30 years. Dave and his wife Beth, who is also an ordained UCC clergyperson have two adult children, Andrew and Hannah. When not on the ministry trail Dave enjoys movies, playing violin and guitar, bicycling, travel, writing poetry/prayers, and photography.